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Production Calculator

The production calculator runs a simulation of a full day according to the currently known mechanics of frequency, skills and energy.

We calculate produce using all relevant factors like the Pokémons frequency, estimated skill procs, ingredient drop chance, carry size, nature and sub-skills.
The calculator accounts for energy change. Such as sleep, natural decline, meal recovery and energy skills.
The entire 24 hour window should be as realisic as we can get. We provide the raw event log at the bottom after submitting. Please reach out if you have any suggestions or issues.

Every help contains the average amount of berries and ingredients, instead of only berries or only ingredients.
Every help's produce will be put into the Pokémon's inventory which later gets collected before it's full. It also accurately accounts for spilled ingredients during the night.

Skill procs are estimated using a Monte Carlo simulation for energy skills and regular frequency * skill% for other skills.
Energy skills need a more complex algorithm for estimating skill procs as the skill procs themselves snowball into more skill procs.
We calculate both the chance to store a nightly skill proc as well as estimated daily skill activations.
After this we start each day with a fraction of a skill activation based on the chance that your mon stored a nightly skill proc.
After that we schedule the daily skill activations evenly throughout the day.
We will schedule as many full skill activations as possible and finish with the final remaining fraction.
So for example for a Pokémon that is estimated to activate their skill 4.2 times per day we would schedule 4 full skill activations throughout the day and finish with a skill proc at the remaining 20% power.

The calculator defaults to 15.5 hours of daytime and 8.5 hours of sleep, but you can adjust this in the advanced settings alongside other settings like Energy for Everyone procs.

Output converted to sneaky snacking at night is included in the 24h berry output number.

If you select more subskills than your chosen level allows it won't use the unavailable subskills.
For example if you set level to 50 but choose 5 subskills only the first 3 will be calculated.

After the initial production calculation you can find a comparison between your selected Pokémon's ingredient configuration and the other ingredient configurations this Pokémon can have (using the same level/skill/nature).
This is followed by graphs showing energy state, inventory management and skill activations over time.
At the end you have a button, that lets you download the eventlog of this simulation in full.

You may also use the copy and paste button to share results in Discord or other places.

Pokémon settings

Team settings
E4E procs: 0
Helper boost procs: 0

Player settings